Would you take a medication that would significantly reduce your blood pressure, cholesterol and stress as well as improve your cardiorespiratory and immune system, ultimately lowering your chances of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes? What if this medication was free and had very view negative side effects which many medications do? I am talking about the […]
Chronic pain is a complex process that has lasted more than 6 months and this is after tissues involved in the original injury or surgery have healed. Kinesiologists help relieve chronic pain with exercise therapy.
How often do you check the credentials of health/medical professionals even Personal Trainers? Unlike physical therapy, medicine and chiropractic where there are colleges dedicated to protecting the public, Personal Training and Kinesiology are largely self-regulated professions where it is buyer beware.
Many clients we see with lower back pain are unable to distinguish between hip extension/flexion and spine flexion/extension during movement. They also have poor core activation and spinal stabilization strategies, even after their initial injury has healed.
Rotator cuff injuries are the most common of all shoulder injuries. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles, the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis. Each of these muscles assists in holding the shoulder joint in place, by wrapping around the front, back and top of the shoulder. All of the muscles attach to the […]