Our bodies become unbalanced and stuck due to chronic work habits, repetitive movements, single directional sports and/or injuries. This myofascial tension drains our energy and creates pain. We end up tighter on one side or in one direction. Try this powerful ratio to stop feeling cramped.
Trigger points contribute to muscle and fascia pain (myofascial pain). Learning how to release trigger points therapy techniques will help you quickly relieve myofascial pain, improve your range of motion, increase strength, and reduce muscle fatigue.
Golfers will benefit from a quick 5-minute warmup for golf, even if they are short on time. Many amateur golfers get too excited about their tee time so they arrive on the golf course without doing a golf warmup. It will add more yards to your and make it more enjoyable too.
Some people develop lower-back and hip pain because of poor office set-up or sitting too long. Take five minutes out of your day to try this stretch.
Limiting trigger point development will help you move more freely due to greater flexibility and range of motion. how do we prevent myofascial trigger points from developing in the first place? There are several perpetuating factors, some that we can influence and others are ones that we can’t.
There has been a lot of emphasis on stretching the hamstrings to reduce back pain, however doing only this misses part of the solution.
Finding ways to slow down, reduce stress and relax are imperative to staying focused, productive, engaged, creative and healthy. During times of high stress I tend to work more, worry more, exercise less and put more effort into to achieving results which negatively impacts my health.
Have you ever tried to do a squat, but have knee pain? A lack of ankle mobility limits the forward motion of the lower leg; to compensate the knees travel forward more or even start to move in front first instead of the hips. Stretching the calves often eliminates this pain and enables them do the exercise properly.
Stop scoliosis from restricting you from participating in your favourite activities. Eliminate imposed barriers by increasing strength and mobility through properly performing simple exercises.What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine or vertebral rotation. Scoliosis may result in neurological complications, arthritis, and lung and heart problems depending on its form and severity. […]
Have you been told that you should hold each stretch for 30-60s? Well, it is time to discard this outdated rule. Let’s embrace a different concept developed by Ann and Chris Frederick at Stretch to Win known as the “Stretch Wave.” Basically, as stated in a previous post, the length of time depends on whether or not […]