Quantifying Carbohydrates Used During Grouse Grind Fueling for the BMO Grouse Grind Mountain Run - Part II | Lifemoves
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Quantifying Carbohydrates Used During Grouse Grind Fueling for the BMO Grouse Grind Mountain Run – Part II

Every session, I use my Polar Heart Rate monitor to keep track of my intensity and to quantify the calories burned during the ascent. Monitoring my heart rate ensures that I push myself, but also makes sure that I don’t over do it. I start each climb with a average target heart rate. The caloric estimation gives me an idea of what I need to eat re-fuel afterwards and how much I need to consume prior.

The heart rate monitor estimates Fat %, so at an average HR of 177 bmp I burn about 500 kcals at 25% Fat. Time to do the math:

CHO% = 100% – 25% = 75% CHO kcals = 375 kcals

There are 4kcals per gram of carbohydrate. Therefore grams of CHO:

CHOg = 375 kcals / 4kcals/g CHO ~ 94g in approximately 40 minutes.

Alfred Ball – Kinesiologist | Certified Strenght & Conditioning Specialist

Alfred Ball

Practicing Kinesiologist | Certified Fascia Stretch Therapist | Clinical Pilates Instructor. Alfred has been a Kinesiologist since 1999. He started Lifemoves in 2007 to provide exercise therapy and fitness programs for people with injuries, chronic diseases and disabilities. His focus as a Kinesiologist is to empower and to guide people to learn to move with more strength, confidence and ease. He is an avid Lego and Star Wars fan. His other hobbires include writing, playing board games and being active outdoors.

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