Quantifying Carbohydrates Used During Grouse Grind Fueling for the BMO Grouse Grind Mountain Run – Part II
Every session, I use my Polar Heart Rate monitor to keep track of my intensity and to quantify the calories burned during the ascent. Monitoring my heart rate ensures that I push myself, but also makes sure that I don’t over do it. I start each climb with a average target heart rate. The caloric estimation gives me an idea of what I need to eat re-fuel afterwards and how much I need to consume prior.
The heart rate monitor estimates Fat %, so at an average HR of 177 bmp I burn about 500 kcals at 25% Fat. Time to do the math:
CHO% = 100% – 25% = 75% CHO kcals = 375 kcals
There are 4kcals per gram of carbohydrate. Therefore grams of CHO:
CHOg = 375 kcals / 4kcals/g CHO ~ 94g in approximately 40 minutes.
Alfred Ball – Kinesiologist | Certified Strenght & Conditioning Specialist