Some people develop lower-back and hip pain because of poor office set-up or sitting too long. Take five minutes out of your day to try this stretch.
You’ve probably already heard that far-infrared therapy saunas benefit those with chronic health conditions, but do you know that you can have similar results anywhere you travel? FIRMA Energy has a line of compression wear and far-infrared therapy clothing that integrates far-infrared (FIR) technology directly into the weave of the fabric. This enables you to leave the sauna at home while you’re on the road.
There has been a lot of emphasis on stretching the hamstrings to reduce back pain, however doing only this misses part of the solution.
Back pain can be a difficult condition to manage. One cause of lower-back is lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Anyone with LSS would agree that it is a painful and debilitating condition with limited treatment options: surgery or more conservative measures such as exercise, physiotherapy or pain relieving injections. Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is defined as […]
Many clients we see with lower back pain are unable to distinguish between hip extension/flexion and spine flexion/extension during movement. They also have poor core activation and spinal stabilization strategies, even after their initial injury has healed.